There are currently no back issues of the Unicorn Exchange available.

The Unicorn Exchange has been one of the longest running newspapers in Mauritanjan history. Its goblin reported, Eva Legova, has accounted many a fine tale to the papers readers, some of them even true!

Since its inception many years ago the paper has doggedly tracked the rights and wrongs that have besieged Mauritanja and been a source of information in a sea of rumours. Wanting to keep up with news of the goings on in Mauritanja and those fortunate countries which it has dealings with the Exchange has often looked to its readers to submit stories and adverts. Now it seems the so far unseen reporter may well be making some visits the Unicorn camp in the future to get stories in person.

So if you have something to say, or something to advertise then feel free to contact the lucky little goblin at the earliest opportunity.

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This is the home of the Unicorns Faction from the Lorien Trust Gathering system. This is a live roleplaying group and for further details on Live Role-playing and the Lorien Trust please check out the Lorien Trust website.