Tapper at the march against Narduk, 1104
John Tapper

Position within the Faction
Personal Physcian to the Princess Arcane

The Ghostwalkers /
The Watchers of Mauritanja
“As The Princess’ personal physician, I have taken it upon myself to reply. I do this out of my hippocratic duty and also because your ley imp will not leave me alone.”

More information on Tapper:
John Tapper, Ghostwalker, is a notable member of the Healers Guild and The Unicorn Faction. Within the faction he is honoured to be the Personal Physician to the Princess Arcane. However it is as a researcher that he has had his greatest success resulting in his appointment as Head of Guild Research and his membership to the Circle of Life. Published Papers include:

An enquiry into the nature of lycanthropy and its connection with silver

An Investigation into the affliction known as "The Taint"
" The Biology of the Sea Hag"
" A Report on Pods and Pod People? (under Life Master Xavin Larson)"

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This is the home of the Unicorns Faction from the Lorien Trust Gathering system. This is a live roleplaying group and for further details on Live Role-playing and the Lorien Trust please check out the Lorien Trust website.