The Festival of Bar'itok

On behalf of Doyen Gworshkoff of the Alashans, you are hereby invited to Ralimar Hall in the area of New Port to celebrate the festival of Bar'itok. This festival is being held in the honour of the Unicorn Ancestors, most notably Cadrus Cornus, father of the Unicorns and Queen Adelena. It will also be a time to finally honour the names and the memories of our fallen comrades and friends. The area has been well fortified from attack, and to keep the evening peaceful, weapons will be stowed outside. The celebrations will be a rare time of relaxing, socializing and drinking among friends.

The invitation is extended to not only member of the faction both past and present, but also friends of the faction and to any creature of any guild, faction or other group that comes with peaceful intentions.

A booking form is avalible here.

A map to the site can be found here.

Out of Character Details
  • The event is being held as an in-character social event on the 21st of February inBugmans Brewery, Nottingham. The ticket price is to pay for the food. A vegetarian option is available on request.
  • Please note that this is unsanctioned, and no combat or killing will be allowed. There will also be no Plot actuation at the meeting.
  • This is a multi-factional event.

Rules and Regs

  • The event organizers or any persons so appointed by event organizers cannot be held personally liable or responsible for any injury or damage to any individual participating in the event.
  • The event organizers cannot be held responsible for any damage to, loss or theft of any personal or communal property during any the event.
  • The organizers will expel any individual engaged in illegal, defamatory or dangerous practices during the event ‘it’s funny is not an excuse!

Tickets are £15 for the night. This is to pay for the renting of the bar and the meal provided. A vegetarian option is available on request.

This is purely a social event with no plot running. Therefore no monster will be needed.

If you have any queries or questions regarding the event, contact Peter Godfrey at this address.

This site is best viewed in 1024x768 resolution.
This is the home of the Unicorns Faction from the Lorien Trust Gathering system. This is a live roleplaying group and for further details on Live Role-playing and the Lorien Trust please check out the Lorien Trust website.